Why pea protein?
Most people with an active lifestyle have some knowledge and appreciation of the important role protein plays in keeping their body healthy and performing at its best.
There are lots of different ways we can get protein, with foods like eggs, red meat, poultry, fish and tofu among the most common and complete methods. However, when it comes to protein supplements, things can get a little more complex.
With protein powder options like whey, pea, beef, hemp, egg white, rice and faba bean available in New Zealand alone, you’d be forgiven for wondering which to choose.
Here at Viktual+, we use pea protein, as it’s completely plant-based and, along with complimenting meat-free lifestyles, is also suitable for people who are lactose intolerant.
Unlike Whey Protein, which is sourced from milk and contains fats and nutrients found in animal products, pea protein contains absolutely no animal products. And, since pea protein doesn’t contain gluten, lactose and many other allergens, it’s ideal for a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Another reason we choose pea protein is that it is high in protein, alkaline, hypoallergenic, low in fat and is flexible in its uses. Our powder supplement form makes it easy to mix and combine with liquids and its mild (when unflavoured) taste make it palatable and easy to include into your routine. Since pea protein doesn’t dry out like some proteins, such as whey, it’s also great for baking.
For some easy and delicious recipes and ways to use Viktual+ Protein Powder, check out our favourite ideas here.