We have drawn upon Pasifika and Mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) along with scientific efficacy to bring you our Viktual+ range.
Our Values
We are only just beginning and are committed to our Tikanga (values) of:
Whanaungatanga - a relationship that acknowledges individual mana and collective strength. Manaakitanga - care for others. Pono - being true to yourself and your aspirations. Tika - being authentic and real. Aroha - the love for the people, the whenua and the kaupapa (principle).
Sharing Papatūānuku (Mother Earth)
As tangata whenua, it’s our duty to protect the environment we source our ingredients from. Our native ingredients mānuka, kānuka and horopito are all grown and milled in New Zealand. We’re committed to learning and implementing more sustainable ways in the manufacturing process of our products, so we can share them with you, while doing what we can to protect Papatūānuku (Mother Earth).
Rochelle Umaga
Fa’alogo Tana Umaga
From a young age we always heard stories about how our Māori and Pasifika ancestors used the native ingredients provided to us by Papatūānuku (Mother Earth). Kānuka, mānuka, horopito and kava were sought after for their medicinal, health and wellbeing qualities. Today, we’re proud to share the only wellbeing supplement range incorporating these native ingredients. We have drawn upon Pasifika and Mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) along with scientific efficacy to bring you our Viktual+ range.
Rochelle and Tana
Our Saying - Tō mātou taukī
Haere mai i tua, ko te kava e.
Haere mai i tata, ko te mānuka, ko te kānuka, ko te horopito e.
Poipoia te tīnana - Nurture the body.
Poipoia te hinengaro - Nurture the mind.
Poipoia te wairua - Nurture the spirit.
Poipoia te whānau - Nurture the family.
Kia pai ai te ora - So that life may be good.
We have acknowledged kava, mānuka, kānuka and horopito as integral to our ingredient centric approach.
We recognise the relationship between these ingredients, connecting them to the narrative of nurturing.
Viktual+ Life
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